The "Tims" Showdown Pt. 2

Though I can't really claim victory at our first tete-a-tete race (Epiphany 50k) because it was Tim Stahler's first ultra, I did scamper to the finish line before he did, so I'll cling to that win tighter than Rod Stewart's satin pants.

Stahler, prancing, fleet-footed along the trail
Brazen Racing's Bay Breeze Half Marathon on Feb 18th is our next showdown.  Will it be the classically trained dainty runner, captain of the Syracuse cross country team, college teammate of Geoff Roes, seven years my junior, 14:52 5k PR, impeccably Pearl Izumi clothed Tim Stahler?  Or will it be the rogue nomad, shirtless, worn-shoe, can't live in one place longer than four months, always forgets a headlamp, 16:53 5k PR, trail sloth, Footfeathers?
Long, inching his way to the finish line while spectators ponder how he stays upright at such slow speeds.
The half marathon distance is in Tim Stahler's wheelhouse.  We both know he's faster but I can endure pain and suffer like nothing he's ever seen (I purposely cut off the end of my pinky finger in front of him just to prove this point).

We both just picked up the nimble Pearl Izumi Streaks shoes but have agreed to confirm with one another on race morning that we are NOT wearing the same outfit (bad enough being referred to as "the Tims", "Tim 1 and Tim 2", "Tim and the Other Tim" - I feel like Dr. Seuss characters sometimes).

The sandbagging has already begun with Tim S. mumbling about his ankle hurting (chop that bitch off, I say) and I found myself audibly cribbing that I'm worried about getting injured with a short effort (the thought of sustained low 6 min pace makes me nauseous).

I think we have some sort of a wager; something like the loser has to load the truck after our next event (Chabot Trail Run on the 25th) while the winner rests in a lawn chair with beer in hand, watching/directing.  Thankfully, I love loading the truck and hauling around the gear, so it won't be much different than our typical event… maybe he'll share his beer with me.

Don't miss this one.


  1. Don't take any shit from him, Syracuse sucks ass!

  2. You certainly get bold with your blog posts after you find out I'm hobbled and won't be running for a few days. Wait until Diablo, my friend. No excuses.

    ...and to Brownie. Syracuse floppy hat will be in your next team care package and a mandatory uniform item.

  3. This is pretty dang funny and I like the ballsiness of it. And I really like what I think is a typo: "rouge" instead of "rogue" ... unless, Tim, you really are a rouge-wearing nomad. Pink cheeks!

  4. Thanks, SLS, fixed. God, I hate good spellers.

  5. Hmmm,a dual between the identical? Tim twins,sounds epic,hope the stair training kicks in on that flat and fast course.

  6. "flat and fast course". That's relative to the runner on the course.

    Actually, Tim S. is somewhat injured now and has bigger fish to fry (marathon) than soundly beating me in a half. I'll still be running it though!

  7. Love your photo caption.
    Oh yeah, Syracuse sucks ass!


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