Garden of the Gods...finally

Yes, I finally made down for a run in the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.  I was given the full tour by Steve and Kathleen (happy trails) yesterday.  It was a warm day and we got started directly at noon.  Good times.

[caption id="attachment_310" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Pikes Peak looming beyond the Garden of the Gods"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_311" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Tiny Footfeathers winding through the meadow with amazing vistas"][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_313" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Pikes soaked in blue sky"][/caption]

All photos by Steve and Kathleen.


TODAY: Sunday the 30th

I got an early (for me) start and ran from S. Boulder Creek path along Mesa trail to the Gregory trailhead at Green Mtn.  Then made my way up gregory and ranger to the top, then over and up Bear and down and home.  I hardly paused other than to eat a clif blok up on Green and to say "hey" to Shad Mika on my way over to Bear on the West Ridge trail.  It felt like a solid pace and I was spent after 3 hrs 20 mins, which is what I intended - 50k pace.  I'm trying to get into a 50k for this Saturday the 5th, so we'll see.  Update:  looks like I'm in the race this Saturday.


  1. Dirty30? Ran this a.m. w/ the defending champ. He says there are some fast folks this year. Should be a fun one. Hope you get in.


  2. Yeah dirty 30. Pedatela is likely to win.

  3. Those pics look familiar... ;-)

    Good running yesterday although I admit I was not ready for the heat. Let us know if you get into the dirty 30.


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