Back on the Old, Tired Horse

[caption id="attachment_345" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Me and Nick Pedatella after last week's 50k. I'm the one with the crucified, bloody hands and drooping broken shoulder. Nick's the one who looks fresh like he hasn't run a step."][/caption]

Ran the length of Mesa Trail to meet Jeff V for a run up Green Mtn.  Thankfully, he's tapering for his race up Mt Evans this Saturday, so he was good enough to wait fo my slow self to get up the mountain.  Fell, again on the slick, wet rocks on the descent; tore the end of my right pinky finger off and re-ripped the palm wounds - awesome.  What's up with this falling business???  I haven't fallen in two years. 

4.5 weeks before North Fork 50 Miler....


  1. HT Curse or some such thing, I would imagine...

  2. Thankfully, there are minimal rocky sections in the Buffalo Creek area...just smooth, gravely singletrack...custom designed for those w/ Falling Down Syndrome. GZ should sign up too.

  3. Hope I'm done with the accidents for a while. Feels like I've been beaten with an baseball bat.

  4. I think I've taken the title from gz, at least for now.
    Jim, you racing north fork?

  5. Good to hear that you are feeling better - you just need to stop falling down :)

    The North Fork race looks like it should be a good one. Will be interesting to see how it goes since it is the first year.

  6. Not sure if I'm going to run North Fork. Figured I'd see how the San Juan Solstice goes (my first attempt at 50 miles). I am, though, very interested in running the race. I like the trails up in that area (and know them well) and am eager to support a new race, especially an all-trail ultra so close to the Denver metro area. So, post-Lake City I'll take stock and see if the race his filled yet. If nothing else, I may go volunteer.



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