Officer Discretion with Two Special Guests. Ep. 8

Thanks for joining us this week on Local Mind Media. Tim and G were graced with a surprise knock at the door of Local Mind Media studios and two handsome officers standing outside, so we invited them in to join us on the show. Former guest, Detective (Zebra) Raber and superstar officer, SWAT operator, firearms instructor, FTO, and traffic go-getter, Martin share their opinions on topics ranging from the importance of traffic enforcement to the fundamentals of officer discretion. And another segment of "Good to Go or Hell No!"

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  1. Great content - Limitless fun! I hope nobody drove home after the taping without sobering up.

    On the question of Burglary....The actual verbiage for 18-4-203, Second Degree Burglary specifically says, "WITH INTENT TO A CRIME THEREIN AGAINST ANOTHER PERSON OR PROPERTY." Merely taking a dump doesn't necessarily fit unless you can prove the INTENT was to commit the crime of tampering or theft (water, TP, etc.) If he merely had to go, you don't have burglary....Sorry Guys

    Keep the content coming!

    1. Nick, taking a dump in someone's house without their permission and supervision during the dump is a crime and warrants "street justice." Thanks for commenting!!

  2. Replies
    1. Excellent suggestion. I'll run it by our regular guest, G, for the seal of approval. Thanks for the comment and support!!

  3. Awesome show, I'll be listening further so stay connected to old friends after I retire.


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