Wrestling the Motivation Octopus

Fruita ROCKS.  Last Saturday. 70 miles into the race after riding all night.

130 miles into the race.  $35 to purchase one photo?  No thanks.
Between this shit weather (been on Craigslist daily looking for a new place to live - one more snowflake here and Fruita or Grand Junction will have one more pair of La Sportiva shod feet plodding around the trails), and self imposed highs and lows of fairly serious racing chunks (100 mi run, short and very long MTB) over the last three weeks, and looming Leadman agenda (that riddles my otherwise unwavering nerves), I've been bogged down a bit in wanting to get out to train.  Yeah, I realize I needed a couple days to recover from the Fruita race on Saturday (took two days off) and shouldn't be too bent out of shape with a softer week this week but I have this nagging (irrational) feeling that these little gaps in my otherwise five months of solid training will hinder not only my performance at the Leadville Marathon but my overall fitness needed by late June.  Once Leadman starts, there's not much I can change in terms of preparation; it'll be a balance of recovery and maintenance through August 17th.

Currently, the thought of going out for a three hour run makes me want to crawl back in bed with the shades drawn.  I can't pinpoint why, exactly.  I know it's bad to rely on outside factors for motivation but I feel that a 70 degree sunny day would be more palatable and energizing than the "chance of snow" this evening (it's May 10th, fyi).  Monday is supposed to be more normal with the exact aforementioned weather conditions.  Hopefully, it'll stick this time.

Thankfully (or insanely), I have a big race weekend coming up in two weeks (127 technical trail miles with over 17,000 ft climb at avg 8,200 ft elevation over three days).  So, at the very least, I know that will be some good training in itself.  Aside from that, I need to get in roughly five long runs and at least five workouts specific to the Leadville Marathon.  Focus, Tim.

As for the big daddy race of the Leadman Series, the 100 mile run, resident Elevation Trail sociologist, Gary David, will be flying out from Massachusetts to pace with me from Twin Lakes to the finish (not sure he knows it'll be that long -40 miles- but I guess he does now).  He's super fit and super fast and will likely be loving the research factor of watching me be miserable for 8 hours on the trail.

I still don't have a crew for the 100 MTB or 100 run if anyone is interested in it.  I can guarantee entertainment, thin air, and beers.

So, with that and this self indulgent post, I guess I'll head out the door to see what sort of run I can muster today - iPod day for sure.

Maybe it's time I employ a coach myself.


  1. Gary is about to enter a pretty interesting club. I'd croo ya but I have a date that weekend with some chick down south.

  2. I think I could have written this post; I'm seriously in a very dark slump.

    We all need validation from time to time...every one of us, no matter what level you are. It's almost game day, I know you can do it. Just a few more months... and then you'll never have to see another snowflake again - ever. (jealous!)

    I'd offer my crewing duties, but I think I was fired from the last gig.

    The pictures are great, love the tenacity! Look at them, use them - there's motivation!

  3. Do you know what's going to be awesome about this?

    Seriously, I'm asking what is going to be awesome about this because nothing right now comes to mind.

    1. Moments like baby! http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/582057_10151080451634976_1725199224_n.jpg

    2. So that's me in the background saying, "Um, are you ready yet?"

    3. Naw, that was Hardrock. Leadville is a baby 100. We'll be scampering at 7 min pace.

  4. Gary. You give me that attitude and I'll have you start pacing at Winfield, so you can enjoy the llamas on hope pass and 50quality miles with me.

  5. Oh dear. Last time I saw the llamas I didn't because it was pitch black. Hopeless Aid Station looked like it was overrun by hobos.

  6. Tim, it's funny because this week I've been feeling the same way. From having to use my MP3 for long runs just to get me out the door, to the irrational fear that if I miss a workout my whole Leadwoman quest will be shot. But my coach has faith in me so I must have faith in myself. Ask me and I might be able to recommend someone :)


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