How do you like them apples, Brownie?

Certain to hear great jabs from Brownie, I'm going out on a limb and exposing the new ad from McDavid (Yep, Brownie, it says "professional").  How can I not do well in races with lightning going through my head?


  1. Yeah, "big time". I'll remember that when Karl and Erik lap me on antelope island this Friday.

  2. Most importantly, you also appear to have lightning coming out of your ars.

  3. Yes, indeed, likely from all the sweet potatoes Lucho has been making me eat.
    Did you ever receive your mcDavid shirt, Brett?

  4. Great ad, but the compression socks hide your sweet calves...

  5. Just remember the little people.

    Antelope's weather is looking about as good as that ad.


  6. Ha, if we're lucky. Rain and snow for the race. It's only for 100 miles.

  7. Dude! You're such a rock star! That ad is fantastic. :)
    Good luck this weekend.

  8. Also some electricity going into the front of those shorts ... hmm.

    Get it done this weekend man.

  9. That ad's pretty damn cool.

    Good luck with your two laps of "jogging" this weekend. Don't taunt the buffalo.

  10. Sorry to steal your thunder, but the recent Shalane Flanagan calf compression sock thingie photo is much more pleasant on the eyes.

    I'd go professional too, but I need to keep my amateur status through the 2012 London games...

  11. Yeah, Shalane has been begging me to be on the McDavid team but we're partial to hot, ultrarunner girls. I did send her a signed pair of calf sleeves, which is probably what you saw her wearing.


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