Hill Running Clinic - Let's Learn.

Hill Running Clinic

Climbing and Descending
Sunday July 8th at 11:00AM
Muir Beach
(in cooperation with NorCal Ultra Training)

Seems like everyone hates hills. Some think the uphills are too hard and everyone passes them in races. Others are timid on the descents and don't take advantage of our friend, gravity. Putting in the practice and training obviously helps, but knowing certain techniques and practicing them will chop huge chunks of time off your finish results and leave your competitors wondering how you got so fast on hills, especially over technical terrain.

Sunday, July 8th at 11am

Muir Beach lot
$30 for people I don't coach and $15 for my athletes.
Includes Clif products, drink refreshments, and some nice product nice give-aways.

*Covering hill running technique on technical climbs and descents.

*Climbing efficiently (when to walk vs run, arm position, etc), transitioning from walk to run

*Descending (low center of gravity, arm position, foot placement, etc)

*How to run various hill workouts for best conditioning results.

*Includes 4 x 3 min hill workout with warm up and cool down.

Register by contacting me via email - tim (AT) footfeathers.com

Feel free to contact me for more details about coaching services too.  I work with all levels and distances from 5k to 100 miles with custom, personal daily training schedules.

Muir Beach lot by bridge at 11am

Clinic should last 90 mins. (workout at end of the clinic is optional)


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