"You mean you can carry my stuff?!"

That was Tim W's response when I told him about the mule-ing allowed at Leadville and that I planned to carry his water bottles.  What am I getting myself into?

He emailed me a general list of the things he's bringing, right down to the 30 gallon drums of water.  I tried to tell him they have water in Leadville, just like Boulder.

[caption id="attachment_444" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Tim's crew vehicle"][/caption]

The Beverly Hillbillys would pull off to the side of the road and gawk at the amount of stuff Lucho's bringing.

I didn't say anything.  He'll find that he may use about 10% of the stuff but if bringing it all with him makes him feel more comfortable and calm, then by all means!

This has been a VERY difficult week for me (queue the violin).  Extreme lack of sleep, stress, and both hamstrings sore.  I was worried about them being injured but I got out today for a last hour-long run with about 1,000 of climb and I think the hammys are just sore, not strained.  I figure the easy pace of mile 50-100 will be fine.

Working some fucked up hours today to earn the weekend off.  Then working tomorrow very early so I can get out at 2pm and head down to Leadville.  I can't imagine how fun it's going to be to find parking with an influx of all the runners, families, crews.  I hope to be down there at least by 530pm and grab Lucho to head over to do the last mile to the finish, so he has something to visualize other than my hot body running in front of him.


  1. Hey, that pictures looks kind of like your car did when you drove from the Bay to Boulder!

  2. Then just make sure TimW knows to drop you if your problems pick up. thats one thing I remember reading about from Western States...all the leaders dropped their pacers at one point or another and it didn't distract them at all. Hopefully that won't happen, but you know.

    Plus, all you have to do is run 50 miles at extreme altitude in under 10 hours, right? :)

    I think (hope) your hardest task will be not to get stomach cramps from all the laughing you guys will be doing.

  3. Oh, Lucho knows to drop me if I so much as stop to sneeze. No issues with the hammys. If it was just one of them, I'd be concerned. They're just a bit sore. They felt great at the end of my run today. I've already run that course (easily) in 8:50, so no worries on speed and altitude doesn't bother me at all. Lucho knows I'm totally committed to this and, yes, I plan to have fun with him too!

  4. No doubt. I couldn't have fit a paper clip in that car on that trip.

  5. Crap, I figured you'd be on your way and not have Internet. :-)


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