San Diego 100 Scorcher

With temps in the low 100s, the San Diego 100 drop rate is over 60% (with only about 37 finishers so far as I write this).  Tan Nguyen is one of those soft folks who thinks upper 70s is too hot, so I was a bit nervous for him after seeing the forecast of oven-like heat at the race.  Unable to eat and gagging for the last 16 hours of his run, he toughed it out for an amazing 26:24 finish in his first 100 mile run (according to him, his last 100 miler… ;-)

His effort is far more impressive than my two finishes there.  Congratulations, Tan!
Mile 90.  "Tim, you suck." -text msg.
10 miles later just after crossing the line.  RD, Scott Mills on right.  Buckle time.


  1. It starts to get too hot when the temp gets above 65. This goes down as one of the dumber things I've done. Believing the Temecula mountain bike race was easy is also up there. I'm still feeling very nauseous.

  2. Yeah, but, dude, you did it. Not only that but you always stay positive and never bitch. Love your attitude and can't wait to do some more long mtb rides with you.

    Rest up and savor your accomplishment. It's huge.

  3. Great work Tan. Rest well, the success doesn't wear off.

  4. I'm with Tan, anything over 70 and I'm withering. It was 92 in Boise Saturday.

    Great job to your athlete, that is super impressive. I'm in awe. Congratulations!

  5. Never make a decision on what you will do or not do within 1-2 days of finishing an event. :)

    And Bronco Billy (with all that's been going on in his life lately) finishes before midnight. WTF, dayam!

  6. I ran with him and we talked about you!

  7. Olga! Hi. Monster run you had there. Solid work on an incredibly tough day. Congratulations!


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